11 Portman Road, Ipswich

The property comprises a high profile three storey trade counter/office building with large secure car park with access off both Portman Road and Handford Road. The building is of solid brick construction under a flat roof. 

The ground floor offers a trade counter area with shop front, workshop and stores to the rear with double door loading protected by a timber canopy. Both first and second floors have office and storage areas along with kitchen and WC facilities all with LED lighting. Gas fired central heating serves the building with overhead gas heaters in the workshop on the ground floor level. 

Note: – there is a level difference between the original part of the building and extension where ramps have been installed or steps. To the rear of the property is a large car park offering a minimum of 18 on site spaces secured by a perimeter wall and gates off both Portman Road and Handford Road.